There is a Hart District Council meeting on 26 February at the Hart Council Offices in Fleet at 7pm. There is an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions about any subject including the emerging Local Plan. Great questions would be:
- If Hart keeps the new town in its plan, what is the risk it will have to build the new town and strategic urban extensions in Fleet and Church Crookham to accommodate the extra 3,100 houses that Surrey Heath Borough Council and Rushmoor Borough Council are trying to force on to Hart?
- What will be the additional traffic and congestion impact of the proposed new town on surrounding settlements of Church Crookham, Crookham Village, Fleet, Hook, Hartley Wintney and Odiham?
- What are the criteria, marking scheme and weighting factors Hart are using to evaluate the alternative housing development options?
- What is Hart’s vision for the future of the district?
- How will Hart evaluate the risk of coalescence of the existing settlements that will effectively happen if a new town is built?
- What is Hart DC’s strategy for identifying and analysing and maximising the development of brownfield sites to avoid concreting over our valuable green spaces?
- What will be the environmental impact of a new sewage works discharging into the River Hart?
- What will be the environmental impact of 5,000 new houses in the SPA zone of influence?
- What will be the environmental impact of 5,000 new houses on the SSSI’s at Odiham Common and Basingstoke Canal?
- What will be the environmental impact of concreting over the green gaps between the SSSI’s and SINCs in Winchfield?
We Heart Hart has asked a number of these questions already as shown in the download and is aware of others asking questions too.
Please take some time to ask your own questions of the council. You can use the download below that already has the e-mail addresses in it you need. Questions need to be submitted by noon on Friday 20 February.

And if you have not done so, please sign the petition: