Press coverage for the campaign
The We Heart Hart (We Love Hart) campaign is starting to generate press and media coverage in the local area:
Fleet News and Mail 13 March 2019: Call for Resignations over Local Plan Policy Concerns
Fleet News and Mail 13 March 2019: We Heart Hart Points of View
Fleet News and Mail 21 February 2018: Time to oppose new town in Local Plan
Fleet News and Mail 11 October 2017: Inspector’s green light for Grove Farm plans
Fleet News and Mail September 27 2017: Campaigners’ mixed reactions to proposed housing targets
Get Hampshire July 21 2017: Council accused of incompetence after delayed Crookham Village planning decision triggers appeal
Fleet News and Mail July 19 2017: Council incompetent over farm homes plan
Fleet News and Mail June 7 2017: Hart draft Local Plan misses the mark
Fleet News and Mail February 22 2017: What sort of homes victory is this?
Get Hampshire February 15 2017: Fleet Conservative councillors under fire
Hook Herald: Council failings identified in report
Get Hampshire December 21 2016: Community campaign group accused of delaying Hart District Council’s local plan
Basingstoke Gazette November 6 2016: Plans for new village at Rye Common to be discussed at next Odiham Parish Council meeting
Fleet News and Mail October 19 2016:
Hart under siege from developers’ plans to build over Hart
Hart must get a Local Plan in place now
Hart District Council slashes number of new homes
Get Hampshire September 8 2016: Campaigners claim developers ‘will have field day’ after Hart local plan is delayed again
Fleet News and Mail September 7 2016: Frustration at Local Plan Delay
Get Hampshire August 5 2016: Campaign group slams Hart District Council’s ‘botched’ list of brownfield development sites
Fleet News and Mail August 3 2016: Brownfield housing register ‘botched’
Get Hampshire July 28 2016: Developer unveils grand vision for new 700-home “mini-town” on Fleet green fields
Hook Herald July 25 2016: Major homes plans in pipeline
Hook Herald June 14 2016: Need for yet more new homes is challenged
Get Hampshire June 10 2016: New Winchfield town favoured by almost 60% of residents, consultation reveals
Fleet News and Mail June 8 2016: New Homes: Winchfield in the Firing Line
Fleet News and Mail June 1 2016: Campaigners ask for more
Fleet News and Mail June 1 2016: Consultation launched on proposals for Pyestock site
Hook Herald May 9 2016: Cheapest house will be £370,000
Hook Herald April 26 2016: Election candidates give their views
Hook Herald: April 12 2016: Property deal relieves ‘new town’ fears
Get Hampshire April 7 2016: ‘Much-needed homes’ could be created on former Pyestock site for new sustainable village
Hook Herald April 7 2016: Housing Reprieve
Fleet News and Mail April 6 2016: A new sustainable village
Get Hampshire March 31 2016: New Winchfield town plan is ‘non-starter’, says parish council
Fleet News and Mail March 30 2016: New town plan savaged by council
Fleet News and Mail February 10 2016: Call for incompetent Local Plan organisers to resign
Get Hampshire January 21 2016: Heads Must Roll
Interviewed on Eagle Radio January 20 2016:
Coverage on Eagle Radio website, January 20 2016: Campaigners vent anger at latest at latest Hart housing setback
Coverage in Fleet News and Mail January 20 2016: Consultation ends in farce
Quoted in newsclip on Breeze radio January 15 2016:
Coverage in Fleet News and Mail January 6 2016: Flooding proves new town idea will not float says campaigner
Coverage in Get Hampshire January 4 2016: Floods will worsen if green fields are concreted over for new Winchfield town, campaigners warn
Coverage in the Daily Telegraph December 18 2015: Is this the most perfect place to live in Britain . . . for the moment at least?
Coverage in Get Hampshire December 7 2015: Hart’s new homes consultation branded a ‘waste of time and money’
Coverage in Get Hampshire November 3 2015 Community Groups in bitter clash over Winchfield homes plan
Coverage in Fleet News and Mail October 28 2015: Community Groups in bitter clash over homes
Coverage in GetHampshire August 26 2015: Conservatives slam Hart District Council for ‘disgraceful propaganda’ in newspaper over Winchfield development
Coverage in Fleet News and Mail September 30 2015: Fury over council news propaganda
Coverage in GetHampshire August 26 2015: Hart District Council drop ‘draconian’ plans to stop public questions
Coverage in Fleet News and Mail August 20 2015: Claim of council ‘silencing critics’
Coverage in Basingstoke Gazette August 20 2015: Council’s question limit hit by campaign
Coverage in Fleet News and Mail July 16 2015: £300m costs risk to 5,000 homes
Coverage in Basingstoke Gazette July 1 2015: Winchfield new town plans branded ‘hopeless’
Coverage in GetHampshire June 29 2015: Campaign group accuse Hart of ‘rolling over’ in extra homes ‘deal’
Article for Hart District Parish Magazines. I understand has been or will be published in Hartley Wintney Contact; the Yateley Magazine; Whitewater Benefice Magazine and Odiham Oracle:

Coverage in Fleet News and Mail February 12 2015, and online at “Petition attracts hundreds of signatures opposing more homes in Hart“:

Coverage in Basingstoke Gazette February 12 2015:

Coverage in the Star Courier on February 5 2015: