Shapley Heath Facilitated Reflection Kicked into the Long Grass

Shapley Heath Facilitated Reflection Kicked into the Long Grass

Shapley Heath Facilitated Reflection Kicked into the Long Grass

It was revealed at Thursday’s Cabinet meeting that the “facilitated reflection” about the scathing Shapley Heath Audit Report has been kicked into the long grass. It won’t now occur until January 2023.  At September’s Cabinet meeting, it was agreed that the activity would take place and they committed to delivering the results at November’s meeting. It now looking like the results won’t be published before next year’s local elections. Only Hart could announce a 3 month delay to a 2 month project on the due date.

Their excuse is that the person they want from the LGA is not available until January next year. It does seem rather odd that it’s taken two months to find out that their preferred candidate is not available. They recommitted to the November date at October Cabinet. They also said they were going to contract with their supplier “in the next week”. Moreover, we understand that in mid-October members of the Shapley Heath Opportunity Board were asked for their availability out to end-November.

Interestingly, they committed to discuss the points raised in our statement given to Cabinet, but didn’t mention it at all when they got to the Shapley Heath item. They also didn’t receive the promised verbal update on the status of past and present projects.

Agenda Item 10 Shapley Heath Audit Review

Agenda Item 10 Shapley Heath Audit Review

As they say, failure to plan is to plan to fail. What did they expect would happen if they didn’t write a Terms of Reference and didn’t even set a budget. This omnishambles is destined to run and run…

Statement Given to Cabinet

Here is the video of the statement given to Cabinet. Some of the sound is missing on the first part of the original recording. However, the subtitles are working, so you can follow what was said that way. The sound appears part way through the statement.

Kicking Shapley Heath Facilitated Reflection into the Long Grass

Here is a video of the Shapley Heath Audit report item. Note also, still no discussion of the actual content of the report, just more waffle about how they failed their own process. Who wants to bet that the results of the facilitated reflection won’t be published until after the local council elections next year?

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