Details of the Hart Local Plan submission process and details have been revealed. They are contained in a presentation given to a range of parish, town and district councillors on Tuesday 12 June.
The full presentation is available on the download below.
Key points include:
1. The documents will be submitted to the Secretary of State on 18 June 2018
2. The documents will include:
The Proposed Submission Hart Local Plan and Policies Map (unchanged from February (Reg19 version)
Schedule of minor modifications
Sustainability Appraisal
Statement of Community Involvement
Consultation Statement
Duty to Cooperate Statement
Copies of the representations
Habitats Regs Assessment
Evidence base documents
3. In around mid-July the Inspector will write to all those who submitted representations to outline the procedures and timetable.
4. The inspector will be focused on testing whether the plan is sound
5. The examination in public hearings are expected to start in late September and last for 2-3 weeks
6. Appearance at the hearings will be limited to those people who submitted representations to the consultation and who were seeking to change the plan
7. After the hearings there may be an additional consultation if modifications to the Plan are recommended as part of the examination
We understand that the representations made during the last consultation will be published around the same time as submission to the Secretary of State. Things are certainly hotting up, and it’s all to play for.