Gurkha Square Plans revised

Amended Gurkha Square Plans. We Heart Hart. We Love Hart

Amended Gurkha Square Plans

The plans for the proposed development on the Gurkha Square car park have been amended. Unfortunately, it appears as though we now have to re-object to this unwelcome proposal. The letter we received  about this can be found here.

You can object by navigating to the Hart public access website and searching for 18/00147/OUT or use this link. Comment must be submitted by 4 July 2018.

We have used the following reasons:

I still object to this proposal on the following grounds:

1) The size and massing of the building is inappropriate for the area
2) The design is horrible, and negatively impacts on the Harlington, library and Bakers
3) It takes away valuable parking spaces, with no plan for replacement
4) The loss of parking will make traffic worse

As I understand it, FTC don’t even own the Gurkha Square land. Moreover, the details of the proposed land swap between HDC and FTC have not been made public . This is against Government Value for Money principles.

Feel free to use or edit as you wish.




Posted in We Heart Hart Campaign.