This is where the miracle occurs
In answer to questions put to Hart District Council at the 31 March meeting, it appears as though the Local Plan timetable has slipped again.
We have reported on earlier slippages that occurred last September here and here. The new timetable was given in the minutes of the council that are published here, in the answer to the supplementary to question 1 in Appendix A. Apparently now the draft Local Plan for submission to the inspector will now be published ‘early next year’.
The revised timetable (with prior timetable and movement in brackets) now looks like this:
Full Draft Local Plan – September 2016 (Summer 2016, a couple of months slippage)
Submission Plan – March 2017 (Autumn 2016, at least 3 months slippage)
Submit to Secretary of State – TBA (Winter 2016, unknown slippage)
Examination – TBA (Spring 2017, unknown slippage)
Adoption – TBA (Summer 2017, unknown slippage)
Given the delays in publishing the revised SHMA, the re-run of the recent consultation coupled with the change in management, bringing in East Hampshire to run the project, it was probably inevitable that some slippage was going to occur. However, we now running a significant risk of the Government stepping in and doing the Local Plan for us.
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I’m not surprised
I’m not surprised
Efficient as ever …
Efficient as ever …