Breaking News: Hart calls off Local Plan Consultation
In an astonishing move, Hart Council have called off the Local Plan consultation with only 24 hours to go before the consultation was due to close.
Their full statement is (our emphasis):
From 2pm on Thursday 14 February Hart District Council stopped the Local Plan Consultation and removed the online response form from the website.
Leader of Hart District Council, Cllr Stephen Parker, said:
“We have found errors in the consultation material for our Local Plan Consultation. In order not to undermine the consultation process and to maintain a fair and transparent procedure, we have taken the decision to stop the consultation and have ceased our online response form.
I apologise to the residents and businesses of Hart for the inconvenience caused and I would like to reassure the public that by working with my colleagues to rectify the issues discovered, we will create a robust consultation going forward.”
It is deliciously ironic that they got the month wrong in the statement calling off the consultation.
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It was probably because, as someone mentioned, any result from the original consultation would not pass ‘inspection’ because of the errors and changes mid-way through the voting period.
It was probably because, as someone mentioned, any result from the original consultation would not pass ‘inspection’ because of the errors and changes mid-way through the voting period.
So much for democracy eh Sarah?
So much for democracy eh Sarah?
It was probably because the results weren’t turning out the way they wanted. Hampshire County Council extended a consultation deadline to allow more (supportive) people to respond to the proposal to fence and graze Yateley Common the day after a large petition against it had been handed in!!
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Even a blind man on a galloping horse would’ve seen how flawed it was! Are HDC so incompetent to publish something so sensitive and then weeks afterwards make an announcement to say they’ve unearthed a mistake?? The fact is there is mass rejection to this inept document and plan. Who on earth employs let alone pays these people???
Unfortunately us mugs as council tax payers are employing and paying these incompetents…
Even a blind man on a galloping horse would’ve seen how flawed it was! Are HDC so incompetent to publish something so sensitive and then weeks afterwards make an announcement to say they’ve unearthed a mistake?? The fact is there is mass rejection to this inept document and plan. Who on earth employs let alone pays these people???
Unfortunately us mugs as council tax payers are employing and paying these incompetents…
Not corrupt … perhaps incompetent.
Not corrupt … perhaps incompetent.
Strangely enough, I don’t think they are corrupt, but its probably best that I don’t make public my views on their competence as it might lead to legal action!
Strangely enough, I don’t think they are corrupt, but its probably best that I don’t make public my views on their competence as it might lead to legal action!
You couldn’t make it up. How bent are our council?
You couldn’t make it up. How bent are our council?
It’s time for all the parish councils to get together and say enough is enough. No mote consultation until all the facts are established re numbers, finance etc. Then fir goodness sake produce something we can all understand and is not completely biased.
It’s time for all the parish councils to get together and say enough is enough. No mote consultation until all the facts are established re numbers, finance etc. Then fir goodness sake produce something we can all understand and is not completely biased.
He might not have jurisdiction but he should be asking some questions and getting answers for his constituents. Both are good ideas.
OK, I’ve tweeted him too now.
He might not have jurisdiction but he should be asking some questions and getting answers for his constituents. Both are good ideas.
OK, I’ve tweeted him too now.
Good idea. But Ranil doesn’t have jursidiction over the council, even if he has an opinion.
Got to be better to email the councillors and joint CEO and call for action.
Good idea. But Ranil doesn’t have jursidiction over the council, even if he has an opinion.
Got to be better to email the councillors and joint CEO and call for action.
Apparently Ranil is more involved than last one but we’ll see!
Apparently Ranil is more involved than last one but we’ll see!
I contacted our previous local MP re the Watery Lane case and sadly, and even though it was stated in one of their newsletters that they would not allow such a development to go ahead, it did! Still worth contacting, on mass even better!
I contacted our previous local MP re the Watery Lane case and sadly, and even though it was stated in one of their newsletters that they would not allow such a development to go ahead, it did! Still worth contacting, on mass even better!
Just tweeted him. Not looking for a response on Twitter but to make him aware of strength of feeling. If lots of people tweet him hopefully he’ll get the message.
Just tweeted him. Not looking for a response on Twitter but to make him aware of strength of feeling. If lots of people tweet him hopefully he’ll get the message.
Social media is beautifully visible though, why not do both as I am
I’m not sure for his reasons Ian but that is his preference
I sent a message through his form 3 months ago asking for help with my son’s student loan. He never responded so I contacted the minister directly who sorted it out within days. I don’t think he has anyone monitoring the website form – or it doesn’t work.
I sent a message through his form 3 months ago asking for help with my son’s student loan. He never responded so I contacted the minister directly who sorted it out within days. I don’t think he has anyone monitoring the website form – or it doesn’t work.
Social media is beautifully visible though, why not do both as I am
I’m not sure for his reasons Ian but that is his preference
In my experience Ranil prefers constituents to get in touch via email rather than social media but there is also a contact form on his website
In my experience Ranil prefers constituents to get in touch via email rather than social media but there is also a contact form on his website
@tellranil for Twitter, [email protected] for email, http://www.tellranil.com/ for his website
@tellranil for Twitter, [email protected] for email, http://www.tellranil.com/ for his website
We should all contacted Ranil – any one got his details?
We should all contacted Ranil – any one got his details?
Also have a strong suspicion that the survey was pulled because the results were not going the way HDC wanted. Honestly their actions of late are stunning in both their arrogance and their incompetence.
Also have a strong suspicion that the survey was pulled because the results were not going the way HDC wanted. Honestly their actions of late are stunning in both their arrogance and their incompetence.
I think I am going to write to Ranil Jayawardena and see what he makes of this. I wasted a couple of hours completing that questionnaire, which no doubt cost a pretty penny to put together. When you add in the mailshit, oooops, typo, mailshit, damn, did it again, mailshot (there, thats…better?) with the costs for distribution I would love to know precisely how much of our money has been wasted. EDIT: Tweeted @Tellranil
I think I am going to write to Ranil Jayawardena and see what he makes of this. I wasted a couple of hours completing that questionnaire, which no doubt cost a pretty penny to put together. When you add in the mailshit, oooops, typo, mailshit, damn, did it again, mailshot (there, thats…better?) with the costs for distribution I would love to know precisely how much of our money has been wasted. EDIT: Tweeted @Tellranil
Some councillors should step down. Cllr Parker should for start. If this was in the private sector your company would fire you.
Some councillors should step down. Cllr Parker should for start. If this was in the private sector your company would fire you.
There are time when an “dislike” button would be useful. I dislike having my time wasted. I spent over an hour on Sunday reading the material and filling out the survey.
There are time when an “dislike” button would be useful. I dislike having my time wasted. I spent over an hour on Sunday reading the material and filling out the survey.
Well I am afraid this doesn’t surprise me at all, not from I have seen so far, some of it is dealt with extremely well and some parts are unbelievably badly managed. Please don’t forget that we do have a lot of excellent local councilors, we mustn’t forget that, some who work tirelessly for the community, they get close to the people so to speak and perhaps if they were listened to in the first place, along with the many hard working parish councilors we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.
Well I am afraid this doesn’t surprise me at all, not from I have seen so far, some of it is dealt with extremely well and some parts are unbelievably badly managed. Please don’t forget that we do have a lot of excellent local councilors, we mustn’t forget that, some who work tirelessly for the community, they get close to the people so to speak and perhaps if they were listened to in the first place, along with the many hard working parish councilors we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place.
For goodness sake, what a mess.
For goodness sake, what a mess.
If I’d written this as a parody script before this debacle started, I’d have been pilloried for being ridiculous.
If you are ex-forces you will recognise the acronym FUBAR…
I really can’t quite believe it. It’s like something I would read about in Private Eye.
If I’d written this as a parody script before this debacle started, I’d have been pilloried for being ridiculous.
If you are ex-forces you will recognise the acronym FUBAR…
I really can’t quite believe it. It’s like something I would read about in Private Eye.
Well, well, well – Just as I was about to send in my vote (non-votes)! Saved me a job. Will it save the Chief Executive’s and Head of Planning’s jobs?
So glad I wasted my Sunday evening completing this rubbish Can we get a reduction of our council tax for wasting our time completing this pointless activity.
Simon Bailey Let’s ask!
Simon Bailey Let’s ask!
Well, well, well – Just as I was about to send in my vote (non-votes)! Saved me a job. Will it save the Chief Executive’s and Head of Planning’s jobs?
So glad I wasted my Sunday evening completing this rubbish Can we get a reduction of our council tax for wasting our time completing this pointless activity.
Greg Smith, The head of planning is one and the same person as one of the Chief Execs. There has to be resignations of someone, and frankly the leader shouldn’t be able to continue either.
This will not look good on his CV…
Greg Smith, The head of planning is one and the same person as one of the Chief Execs. There has to be resignations of someone, and frankly the leader shouldn’t be able to continue either.
This will not look good on his CV…
I’ve just put in a FOI request asking for:
– Full results of all entries submitted to the recent Hart Local Plan Consultation (anonymised if required)
– All minutes of all meetings where the decision to stop the Hart Local Plan Consultation was discussed
– all emails relating to the decision to stop the Hart Local Plan Consultation
First class. Well done.
I’ve just put in a FOI request asking for:
– Full results of all entries submitted to the recent Hart Local Plan Consultation (anonymised if required)
– All minutes of all meetings where the decision to stop the Hart Local Plan Consultation was discussed
– all emails relating to the decision to stop the Hart Local Plan Consultation
First class. Well done.
Chief Exec should be fired – he has lead a hideous waste of public funds. The leader of the planning team should also be fired for gross misconduct and failure to carry out a legal requirement correctly – oh hang on the joint CEO and head of planning is the same person i believe??
And sack the leader of the council Cllr Stephen Parker, if he had integrity he would go anyway, but I won’t hold my breath. And what about Steve Forster and his scaremongering. Bring back Ken Crookes
And sack the leader of the council Cllr Stephen Parker, if he had integrity he would go anyway, but I won’t hold my breath. And what about Steve Forster and his scaremongering. Bring back Ken Crookes
Chief Exec should be fired – he has lead a hideous waste of public funds. The leader of the planning team should also be fired for gross misconduct and failure to carry out a legal requirement correctly – oh hang on the joint CEO and head of planning is the same person i believe??
FOI request – with respondents names redacted – would make interesting reading I think.
As for the shambles, I’m reminded of a quote from Apaocalypse Now:
“The war (planning) was being run by a bunch of four star clowns who were going to end up giving the whole circus (green fields) away”
FOI request – with respondents names redacted – would make interesting reading I think.
As for the shambles, I’m reminded of a quote from Apaocalypse Now:
“The war (planning) was being run by a bunch of four star clowns who were going to end up giving the whole circus (green fields) away”
I am waiting for news of resignations
I am waiting for news of resignations
I simply don’t know Caroline. Who knows how they work internally. It’s certainly a mystery to me.
I simply don’t know Caroline. Who knows how they work internally. It’s certainly a mystery to me.
Certainly £10’s of thousands.
I may send an invoice to HDC for the hours i wasted completing the consultation response…
I may send an invoice to HDC for the hours i wasted completing the consultation response…
Certainly £10’s of thousands.
Ah so you think it’s more about the responses they were getting?
Ah so you think it’s more about the responses they were getting?
I wonder how much this cost us?
I wonder how much this cost us?
Whilst there were some flaws in the consultation, I don’t think they were serious enough to pull it.
I disagree. The errors in forms and changes made mid way through the process rendered it invalid. They had no alternative but to scrap it. If they’d ploughed ahead they would’ve left themselves open to legal challenges, etc.
I disagree. The errors in forms and changes made mid way through the process rendered it invalid. They had no alternative but to scrap it. If they’d ploughed ahead they would’ve left themselves open to legal challenges, etc.
Whilst there were some flaws in the consultation, I don’t think they were serious enough to pull it.
Just want to say well done to We Heart Hart for exposing this incompetence. Without your expertise and hard work at highlighting all the problems with the local plan I daresay this ‘consultation’ would have been deemed fair…
Just want to say well done to We Heart Hart for exposing this incompetence. Without your expertise and hard work at highlighting all the problems with the local plan I daresay this ‘consultation’ would have been deemed fair…
yep a new low. In the real world someone would get fired for wasting all that money
yep a new low. In the real world someone would get fired for wasting all that money
Even by the standards of HDC, this really is something…
Even by the standards of HDC, this really is something…
Piss up and brewery spring to mind.
Piss up and brewery spring to mind.
Is it possible to find out with a foi request?
Is it possible to find out with a foi request?
wel it was a ‘record breaking’ response so probably
wel it was a ‘record breaking’ response so probably
Is it at all possible that the results weren’t going their way?
My thoughts exactly
My thoughts exactly
Is it at all possible that the results weren’t going their way?
oh I do hope so
oh I do hope so
Unbelievable. Would Steve Forster like to comment?
Busy digging a hole at the moment
Busy digging a hole at the moment
Unbelievable. Would Steve Forster like to comment?
I wasted nearly two hours on that load of rubbish!
I wasted nearly two hours on that load of rubbish!