As you may know, Hart Council is about to embark upon a new consultation about our housing options as part of the Local Plan process. We Heart Heart and Winchfield Action Group (WAG) have significant concerns about the way this consultation has been constructed and submitted a number of detailed points to the council. In addition, WAG will be making a statement at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow. Please do get involved with this consultation and respond to it using our guide on our dedicated page about this consultation here.
The main thrust of the objections is as follows:
- Overall the consultation is too complicated and the instructions are not clear. Given that a large number of submissions to the last consultation were invalid, this is a serious concern that needs to be addressed.
- The Council have not explained why they have reduced the brownfield capacity of the district to 400 units when they said there was 1,800 as recently as October. The consultation also makes no reference to the fact that the Council is currently seeking more brownfield sites across the district.
- The council is not making clear the enormous infrastructure costs of the new town, or indeed any of the options
- The consultation unfairly biases its whole analysis towards the conclusion that we must build a new town in Winchfield.
- The consultation makes no mention of the fact that the housing needs assessment is currently been redone and is likely to result in a lower “need”.
There are also a number of other points made in the detail.
The statement and the detailed point can be found on the downloads below.
Statement to Hart Cabinet
Detailed feedback on Housing Options Consultation