Rushmoor have released more details about their Land Assessment (SHLAA) that reveal they are seeking to protect over 96 hectares of brownfield sites for employment use even though there is a massive glut of employment space across Hart, Rushmoor, Surrey Heath and surrounding districts.
If even half of this was used for housing at 100 dwelling per hectare, it would yield 4,800 houses for people in Rushmoor and would mean that Rushmoor could meet its own housing need and even take some of Hart and Surrey Heath’s allocation.
If you would like to ask Rushmoor to revise their Local Plan and make better use of the brownfield sites they have, then please follow the simple process below:
- Download the Local Plan response form from the link below.
- On page 3, fill in your name and contact details and type your name and date in the boxes at the bottom of the page.
- Review the comments made and feel free to add, amend or delete as you see fit.
- Save the document, attach it to an email and send to [email protected]
- Share a link to this page to all your friends and family as well as any sports clubs or community groups you belong to via word of mouth, email, Facebook and Twitter and ask them to put in a response and share this page again.
- If you have not already done so, please sign and share our petition too
Rushmoor Local Plan Response Form
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