Fleet Town Council (FTC) have reluctantly agreed to hold a Fleet Parish Poll to decide whether the new Harlington should be built on Gurkha Square.
We urge eligible voters to vote “No” to the question:
“Do you support the Fleet Town Council proposal to build a new Harlington complex on Gurkha Square?”
Our reasons are:
- The costs are astronomical. The latest costs are estimated at over £11m, that will be paid back by Fleet residents for 45 years. Longer, if as is usual with projects like this and the costs overrun. We don’t think the finances add up, as described here.
- Hart residents will lose valuable parking revenue from the existing car park. No alternative car parking arrangements have been agreed.
- We don’t yet know what assets FTC will have to hand over to recompense Hart for loss of the car park.
- There are better ways of spending taxpayers money to kick-start the regeneration of Fleet.
- We also don’t like that fact that Hart residents are not being asked if they would like to give up the Gurkha Square asset, and don’t know what assets they will receive in return.
Fleet residents can vote between the hours of 16:00 to 21:00 on Thursday 13th September at the following polling stations:
- Ancells Farm Community Center, 1 Falkners Close, Ancells Farm.
- Church Crookham Baptist Church, 64 Basingbourne Road, Fleet
- The Harlington Polling Station, Fleet Road
- St. Philip & St. James Church Hall, Kings Road, Fleet
- The Lismoyne Hotel, 45 Church Road, Fleet
- Hart Leisure Centre, Emerald Avenue (off Hitches Lane).
Polling cards are not required.
Fleet Parish Poll resources
A helpful website about the Fleet Parish Poll has been created by concerned residents, and can be found here.
There’s also a leaflet about the Fleet Parish Poll that can be downloaded below.

Save Gurkha Square in the Fleet Parish Poll
Please help us to save Gurkha Square.