In the latest Halifax ‘Best Place to Live’ survey, Hart has dropped from top spot to 13th. Orkney is now officially the best place to live in the UK, with Richmond, in North Yorkshire second.
Hart still rates highest for the proportion of residents in good health at 97.4%, compared to a national average of 94.6%.
Rushmoor has leapt 108 places in the overall league table from 125th place to 17th. This appears to be largely driven by Rushmoor polling highest in the personal wellbeing category. Rushmoor residents come out top for Happiness, Life Satisfaction and believing what they do in life is worthwhile.
Surrey Heath has also risen 80 places in the league table to 24th overall.
Perhaps Hart Council should take an in depth look at the figures to work out why Hart has fallen so far in the league tables. We would urge them to look at:
- Urban Environment, that covers population density and traffic flows. Building more houses than we need will not help us on these measures.
- Personal Wellbeing. Over-development is bound to decrease life satisfaction and happiness, whilst increasing anxiety.
Hart Council should reconsider its policy to build an unnecessary new town that will do irreparable damage to our precious green fields. On the plus side, Hart residents might consider moving to Rushmoor to be happier and more satisfied.
The full press release from Halifax can be found on the download below.