Consultation process to be examined by Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Hart Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee is going to examine the decision making process surrounding the recently withdrawn Housing Options Consultation.  The terms of reference are:

  1. How decisions were made to approve and authorise the Refined Housing Options Consultation going ‘live’ in November 2015
  2. How decisions were made to alter consultation documents part way through the consultation process
  3. On what basis and rationale were decisions taken to withdraw the consultation
  4. Identify actions that the Council should take and recommend improvements to the process in regards to future consultation exercises.

The Committee hope to produce a report during February 2016. They have invited representations from local groups, so We Heart Hart will put in a submission.

Posted in Hart District Council, Hart Housing Options Consultation, We Heart Hart Campaign, We Love Hart Campaign and tagged , , .


  1. Pingback: We Heart Hart responds to Overview and Scrutiny Committee investigation | We Heart Hart

  2. Pingback: Hart Council still has no idea | We Heart Hart

  3. The rumours I hear are that they want to run the new consultation starting either at the back end of next week, or the week after. Sounds bonkers to me when the new SHMA is due in late Feb, maybe with headline results before that. So it is highly likely the evidence base is going to change during the consultation. Barking.

  4. The rumours I hear are that they want to run the new consultation starting either at the back end of next week, or the week after. Sounds bonkers to me when the new SHMA is due in late Feb, maybe with headline results before that. So it is highly likely the evidence base is going to change during the consultation. Barking.

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